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Phoenix Rising Info



Phoenix Rising is a 4 day gathering celebrating Summer Solstice

June 16th-19th, 2022


What's the Cost?


Held on sacred land at

Madre Grande Monastery in Dulzura, CA

 30 miles south/east of San Diego, CA


What is a

Sacred Fire Circle?

The alchemist flask is the metaphor of the sacred fire circle experience. 

A safe sacred container is co-created to transmute  the ingredients (us) while being heated by the flame (the sacred fire) ,  mixed and stirred throughout the night (dancing and chanting) until our lead (the old stories) are transformed at sunrise into purest gold (our illuminated  Spirits!)


We have a wide variety of  workshops  that will immerse you into the Sacred Fire Circle Experience. Make new friends and learn something new. 

Would you like to offer a workshop that is appropriate for this gathering?



What to Bring?

We have a list of suggested things for you to bring to make your experience flow.

Due to the ceremonial and family-friendly  nature of this event NO alcohol or Illegal drugs are permitted.

Please do not bring pets.


Read More

about what to bring and not to bring.

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