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Village Builders
Volunteer Info

We offer 2 types of discounts for those who enjoy being in service: a partial discount or full discount.


Fully discounted Village Builders are asked to arrive on Tuesday June 14th between 2:00-6:00 to set up your own camp and get grounded and if possible help unload the truck.

You are asked remain on site through clean up on Sunday June 19th until 2:00 (ish)

We ask for 10 hours of your time.


Partial discounts are for those who can help set up at the beginning of the gathering

starting Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning.

Or, partial discounts are also for those who help with break down and

clean up on Sunday and unloading the truck in San Diego.

We ask for 5 hours of your time.


The ticket for a partial discount is $133, the full discount is $99.


Volunteers are only asked to help set up and break down the gathering, your time is your own during the event, but you are welcome to contribute to continue helping the community.


We provide you with food for the extra time you offer for set up.

Meals during the gathering are not included with your ticket.

For meals during the gathering you may purchase the meal plan, buy individual meals onsite or bring your own food. 


Village Builders are asked to do some light physical work:

setting up canopies, decorating, setting up electrical cords and string lights

or more physical work of pounding fence posts to hold the sacred torches.

Please know it may be hot during the day.

A voluteer position may not be a good option if you have a physical limitation or heat intolerance.



Our volunteer coordinator will be in touch for an interview when your application is received.

Once accepted, you will receive a secret code for the discount ticket.


Thank you for your willingness to serve this gathering!


Village Builder Application

Your application was sent. We'll be in touch to discuss your participation. Thank you!

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