I was listening to NPR (National Public Radio) the other day and there was an interview with scientists comparing humans to animals. They were trying to discover what makes us different than the animal kingdom. Although we are over 98% the same DNA wise, our lives are certainly vastly different. Turns out we are not much different behaviorally. Animals use advanced tools, have complex language, mourn their dead, kill for territory and procreative rights and can learn new behaviors to adapt to changing circumstances.
I think we are actually worse at that last behavior that our animal counter parts! We tend to cling for life to something that might kill us (literally or a soul death) simply out of habit.
It's not really our fault. We are wired for survival.
In caveman days we ate plants we knew wouldn't be toxic from observation, and stuck to those to stay alive. We learned which animals would kill and eat us (run!), and which ones we could kill and eat. Pretty basic survival skills. But there was that one human (or monkey) in the community that would try something new. It was a grave danger to the survival of the tribe, so it took that one brave (or ignorant) individual a great leap out of conformity. Perhaps while in migration mode the tribe would encounter an animal or plant that was unfamiliar. The first obvious choice is stay away! It could kill us all! But maybe out of hunger or survival needs one individual would step up to become the test subject. Why would they do that? Curiosity? Boredom? Glory? It was certainly a risk most would not be willing to take. But, what if that one new plant was delectable? Then, the one brave (or ignorant) individual would become the hero.
Are you willing to break out of conformity to try something new?
Will you become your own hero, even if it may feel dangerous?
Are you willing to risk what is comfortable for a taste of something new and delectable?
The truth is if you don't adapt to new ways, you will die. Your spirit will atrophy. It may already have. It is simply not possible to evolve unless you take a risk. Even if your ancient monkey brain is yelling "NO! Don't try it! Scary! Might DIE! Your curious soul is yelling back "I'll die if I don't try it!"
Who are you going to listen to?
Our species is at a cross roads.

We can continue to let our primal human survival brain lead us out of fear, or we can listen to the voice of our souls asking us to taste the unfamiliar fruit. Yum. Dev Devra Gregory