What in The World is Magic?
When you hear the word “magic” does the image of an old green woman with gnarled knuckles come to mind? Or maybe a guy on stage with a hat and bunny?
The truth is the word magic has been associated with a ton of misuses. The Magic Kingdom (Disneyland) the Magic of Motherhood (um ya?) the magic of hydrogen peroxide (I'm not making that up)
True, stage magic or conjuring is a type of performance magic that creates illusions, tells stories to spark imagination and elicits wonder for the audience. There is slight of hand, card tricks or mentalism where is seems someone's mind is being read. Yes, seems. Sometimes the illusions are of immense proportions (cars appearing) and it is the stage hands that are doing all the work while the magician goes “ta da! (I know because I danced in a magic show)
The other type of magic, often spelled “magick” to distinguish it from stage magic is something completely different. While both share qualities of stimulating wonder, magick is more related to quantum physics, prayer, affirmations, self hypnosis, The Law of Attraction and other modern day practices. Many of those current fads are taken from ancient wisdom practice, mystery school teachings and knowledge about how the universe actually works.
The fact is we are all made of energy. This is science. When we look at matter in is smallest form we find no physical matter actually exists. We are all particles of light moving at incredible speeds and bound together so that we “appear” physical. If you think the only thing that really exists is what you can see, nothing is farther from the truth and “getting” that is the first step in understanding how to “make magick”.
Not only are our bodies made of energy particles, our thoughts give off energy waves aka frequencies. All frequencies have various waves or patterning depending on what produced the wave. Pleasant sounding music sends out harmonious patterns of waves, while the sound of a jackhammer is scattered and chaotic. Look at the work of Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto who froze water crystals after being exposed to various influences: music and words. There were notable differences in the pattern of the water crystals after classical music compared to heavy metal. The words “love and gratitude” created the most lovely patterns!
You gotta wonder about the effect of these influences on humans. There is no denying that sound has healing or harmful effects. The old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me” is total hogwash.
This is the basic principal to “magical spells”. When you are in traffic and curse at someone who cuts you off, that's right, you just put an evil curse on them! Our words, coupled with our emotional energy affects EVERYTHING around us. Negativity creates and attracts negativity. It is a similar frequency so it is easier to attract whatever you are putting out there. Similar wavelengths ride along side each other, they connect. If you wonder why everything bad seems to happen all at once consider the energy YOU are putting out there. Once the ball is rolling in the negative it is very tough to change it’s direction, but you must. Otherwise things are just going to keep getting worse. As in Murphy’s law. My take on that is if you THINK things are going to go wrong they will, because you are willing it to be so. You are setting yourself up for failure. This is unintentional magick.
As for magical “spells” they are only going to work out really well if the mind of the person performing the spell is in a good positive state and can truly accept the results. Any block in subconscious programming will block the incoming frequency.
When you consciously create a magick spell for a positive outcome, here are the 7 basic steps-
Decide on what you want or desire and how you want to feel when you have it
Write down what you want or desire
In your mind, see yourself having it
In your body, feel the feeling of having it (this is the most important part)
Use nature's tools (herbs, gems, incense) to create an influence energetically (this takes some learning) Creating a vision board can be helpful.
Put together a ritual using your tools to influence an outcome, call upon Spirit Guides or Deities to help (only if you believe in them)
Get your energy UP (dance, chant, play music) and feel excited about creating your reality
Never, I mean NEVER try to influence someone else in your magick. It will inevitably backfire. Only be concerned with yourself. At the end of your spell casting say “let it harm none, this or something better”.
Sometimes the Universe has a better plan for you. Just be open to receive the magic.
We are creating our world through our thoughts all the time. Call it magick, call it manifesting, call it whatever. You are doing it right now. What are YOU thinking about? Whatever you think about most is what the Universe is mimicking back to you. The truth is everything and everyone is magic. What if everyone started to intentionally imagine a wonderful world of harmony, health, and peace? I'm open to receive that.